Average IQ Caltech

Caltech is ranked as the smartest college in the US for 2023, with an average IQ score of 145, showcasing its strengths in Engineering & Technology and Physical Sciences, as seen in the Top 25 Smartest Colleges of US list.

Caltech Campus View 2023

Choosing Caltech

Expertise in Technical Education: Renowned for its leading position in technical disciplines, Caltech boasts outstanding global and national academic rankings. It is recognized for challenging academic programs and nurturing students who are academically gifted and potential pioneers in the realms of science and engineering.1

Track Record of Academic Achievements: Home to 79 Nobel laureates, Caltech claims the highest Nobel laureate per capita ratio in the United States. This rich legacy encompasses a variety of disciplines, underlining Caltech's significant contributions to worldwide scientific and technological progress.2

Noteworthy Graduates: The alumni network of Caltech includes luminaries like Nobel Prize laureates, Fields Medalists, and Turing Award winners, underscoring its role in shaping global scientific leadership.3

Geographic Advantage: Caltech's location in California places it at the heart of a state known for innovation, attracting ambitious future scientists and engineers.4

Esteemed Reputation: The institution's prestige is grounded in stringent academic standards, influential research, and the achievements of its alumni network, positioning it as an elite center for advanced education.3

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  1. Times Higher Education World University Rankings for Caltech. Retrieved from Caltech Official Website.
  2. Nobel Laureates affiliated with Caltech. Retrieved from Caltech Official Website.
  3. List of California Institute of Technology people. Retrieved from Wikipedia.
  4. Details about Caltech's Geographic Location and its impact. Retrieved from AdmissionSight.