What are the Top 30 Smartest Countries by IQ in 2023?

Explore more about the smartest countries in 2024 at Top 40 Smartest Countries by IQ in 2024, and see how education and policy contribute to their success.

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Get IQ Range Report
Global IQ Rank Nation Average IQ
1 Japan Learn more... 106.5
1 Taiwan Learn more... 106.5
3 Singapore Learn more... 105.9
4 Hong Kong Learn more... 105.4
5 China Learn more... 104.1
6 South Korea Learn more... 102.4
7 Belarus Learn more... 101.6
8 Finland Learn more... 101.2
9 Liechtenstein Learn more... 101.1
10 Germany Learn more... 100.7
10 Netherlands Learn more... 100.7
10 Estonia Learn more... 100.7
13 Luxembourg Learn more... 99.9
14 Macau Learn more... 99.8
14 Cambodia Learn more... 99.8
16 Canada Learn more... 99.5
17 Australia Learn more... 99.2
17 Hungary Learn more... 99.2
17 Switzerland Learn more... 99.2
20 United Kingdom Learn more... 99.1
21 Greenland Learn more... 98.9
22 North Korea Learn more... 98.8
23 Slovenia Learn more... 98.6
23 New Zealand Learn more... 98.6
25 Austria Learn more... 98.4
26 Iceland Learn more... 98.3
27 Denmark Learn more... 97.8
28 Belgium Learn more... 97.4
29 USA Learn more... 97.4
30 Norway Learn more... 97.1

FREE IQ Range Report

  1. What is the smartest country in the world in 2023?
    Japan and Taiwan are deemed as the smartest countries in 2023, boasting an average IQ score of 106.5.
  2. Which country has the highest average IQ?
    Japan and Taiwan have the highest average IQ as 106.5.
  3. Why do Asian countries have high IQ scores?
    Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong have high IQ scores due to factors such as a strong emphasis on education, culture, and genetic factors.
  4. Are there any countries with an average IQ above 100?
    Yes, several countries, including Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea, have an average IQ score above 100.
  5. How do English-speaking countries rank by average IQ?
    Among English-speaking countries, Canada has an average IQ of 99.5, the United Kingdom 99.1, and Australia 99.2, reflecting their strong education systems and socio-economic status.
  6. What are the smartest countries in Asia?
    The smartest countries in Asia include Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and China, all of which have average IQ scores above 104.
  7. Why are countries like Japan and Taiwan ranked the highest in IQ?
    Japan and Taiwan are ranked highest in IQ due to factors such as educational infrastructure, culture emphasizing intellectual development, and possibly genetic predispositions.
  8. Is there a correlation between a country's wealth and its average IQ?
    There is often a correlation between a country's wealth and average IQ, as wealthier countries tend to have better education systems and resources. However, it's not a strict rule, and there can be exceptions.
  9. What is the average IQ by country?
    Our platform provides data-driven insights into the average IQ by country, specifically ranking the top 25 countries with the highest average IQ. This offers a comprehensive view of global cognitive abilities.
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