Explore our detailed analysis of Scarlett Johansson's estimated IQ, built on rigorous statistical methodologies and supported by peer-reviewed research.
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Note: Scarlett Johansson's SAT score is 1080, which we used as the foundation for our IQ estimate.
We used the SAT score to make an initial IQ estimate, which resulted in an IQ of approximately 113.
Given that SAT scores and IQ have a correlation of 0.8, we account for the remaining 20% unexplained variance. Assuming this unexplained variance is normally distributed, we calculated a 95% confidence interval around our estimate. The 95% confidence interval is 113 ± (1.96 * 3) ≈ 113 ± 6.
Our estimation suggests that Scarlett Johansson's IQ is approximately 113, with a 95% confidence interval of 107 to 119.