Delve into our detailed analysis of Howard Stern's estimated IQ, based on proven statistical methods and academic research.
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Note: Howard Stern's SAT score is 870, which formed the basis for our IQ estimation.
Using the formula IQ = 39.545 + 0.068 × SAT score, we estimated his IQ to be around 99.
Considering that SAT scores and IQ have a correlation of 0.8, we account for the remaining 20% unexplained variance. Assuming this unexplained variance is normally distributed, we calculated a 95% confidence interval. Therefore, the 95% confidence interval is 98.71 ± (1.96 * 9) which approximates to 99 ± 18.
Our analysis suggests Howard Stern's IQ is approximately 99, within a confidence range of 81 to 116.