Upload Your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data

Discover your IQ test score, predispositions for depression, athletic habits, and math and reading ability in our private and secure reports.

Get Your Free Report
Only at cogniDNA. Your data is encrypted and not shared with anyone. We value your privacy.

Discover your Potential

cogniDNA reports let you find out your IQ test score from your DNA data. We also tell you your predispositions for depression and sports habits.

What we do?

cogniDNA’s advanced algorithms analyze your DNA data and compile comprehensive reports on your:

Mental Health

Find out your depression likelihood.


Find out how likely you are to sustain a sports habit

Intellectual capabilities

FInd out your IQ test score without answering a single question. Find out if you have a natural tendency towards math or you are more skillful in reading?

Resources for development

See which resources can help you to have a better mental health, be more fit, and improve your intellectual capabilities

cogniDNA report

3 simple and quick steps

  • 1

    Download your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data file:

  • 2

    Upload your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data file to your profile using our secure account service.

    Don't worry, we take privacy and security very seriously and guarantee that the data will not be shared with anyone else. You can delete your profile anytime with single click!

  • 3

    Receive your results in seconds.

    Unlike the reports of most other DNA analysis companies, this report is completely free.

All you need to do is to upload your DNA data!